Ms.Saptini M. Rahajeng from Indonesia is one of the 29 participants in ASEAN who attended the Regional Workshop on Capacity Development and Leadership in Sustainable Agriculture through Module on Sustainability Agriculture (MOSA), Training Inventory and Sustainability Assessment in ASEAN hosted by the Thai Department of Agriculture and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Bangkok, Thailand.
Rahajeng expressed her impression of this workshop saying that “I really liked and was impressed by the site visit trip under the Sustainability Agriculture project in Thailand that was initiated by King Phumiphol’s philosophy for Thai farmers. The project advised Thai famers to farm their own land by devoting 30 percent for rice farming, 30 percent for vegetable, 30 percent for water management, and another 10 percent for livestock. This will be a truly sustainable farming.” Said Rahajeng.
In this workshop, Rahajeng was most interested in the sustainability assessment session as it helped get a better understanding of how she could adopt this methodology in her country “We have done many sustainable agriculture methods in Indonesia, but not for sustainability assessment. I think this session is the most interesting for me. After the workshop, I am able to use this lesson learn to adopt into sustainable agriculture in my country. For the other modules, we have the same methodology which I usually use in our program.”
Sustainable agriculture is the most important in agriculture sector for every country. Rahajeng agreed about this fact and she strongly intended to use these experiences as well as the skills to the smart farmers in Indonesia such as training farmers. She expected that using MOSA’s methodologies will allow her to know how she should work with farmers and how could she improve the program with them to make farming sustainable.
Modules on Sustainable Agriculture (MOSA) is a modular training concept developed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). MOSA conveys a sound understanding of the holistic concept of sustainable agriculture based on the social, economic and ecological dimensions in the context of climate change and food security. It caters specifically for the needs of practitioners and decision-makers from public and private development organizations who are involved in the planning, implementation and/or outreach of rural development and natural resources.
For more information about MOSA, please visit:
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