Consumers increasingly want information and assurance about what they eat, but are often overwhelmed by the many different kinds of food standards.
To explain food standards and why they are important for the ASEAN region in a concise and visual manner, the GIZ-supported project Standards in the Southeast Asian Food Trade (SAFT) produced a five-minute infographic video in cooperation with the ASEAN Member States (AMS) to increase awareness among consumes and also other stakeholders along the supply chain including farmers, processors, traders, and retailers.
The video looks at two standards: Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and Organic. These two standards are particularly important for the region, as ASEAN is currently adapting these standards specifically to the Southeast Asian context – namely ASEAN Good Agricultural Practices (ASEAN GAP) and ASEAN Standard for Organic Agriculture (ASOA).
The video is available in English, Laotian, Indonesian, Malaysian, Tagalog, Khmer, Myanmar, and Thailand.
For questions or further information, please contact SAFT project at