ASEAN-Sustainable Agrifood Systems (SAS) in Indonesia

Project Summary

The project, “ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (SAS) as a part of German Program on Response to Climate Change (GAP-CC), aim to enhance the resilience of ASEAN Countries agricultural sector. The focus is on enhancing sustainable and environmentally friendly of agricultural products, where mainstreaming on climate change is included. Project Components include (a) Policy Framework to produce the two (2) ASEAN Guidelines on the Regulation, Use and Trade of Biocontrol Agents (BCA) and guidelines on Integrated Soil and Nutrient Management (b) Production Technologies, in which ASEAN Member States have supported capacity development in order to implement sustainable agricultural production, and (c) Enhance Market Linkages through developing Public-Private Partnership (PPP) linked to value chain concerns. The priority crops are rice, coffee, tea and horticulture.

Policy Framework

Output 1: Two ASEAN Guidelines (BCA, SNM) developed and implemented

The ASEAN Guidelines on Regulation, Use and Trade of Biocontrol Agents (BCA)

  • – The ‘ASEAN Guidelines on Regulation, Use, and Trade of Biocontrol Agents (BCA)’ have been translated into Bahasa, and was presented at the Project Partner Meeting (PPM) in Myanmar in December 2014.
  • – The ASEAN Guidelines on BCA have been presented and discussed at ‘National Fora’ (indicator 5), a platform for regular meetings and workshops that includes various stakeholders such as government, National BCA Expert, ASWGC National Focal Point Indonesia, Universities, Private Sector (Indonesia Agro Input Association-ABI), and NGOs.
  • – The ‘National Action Plans’ (indicator 2). Indonesia National fora on BCA have been established.
  • – Implemented the BCA field trial on application of Methyl Eugenol (ME) Block for Oranges in District of Karo, North Sumatera.

The ASEAN Guidelines on Soil and Nutrient Management (SNM)

  • – Indonesia has been nominated one expert to be assigned as a Regional Expert Group member on Soil and Nutrient Management.
  • – Indonesia Regional Expert on SNM has been nominated and selected National Expert on SNM to manage the discussion process at national level to support regional expert on soil and nutrient management raising country specific issues.
  • – The 1st National Expert Consultation Workshop ASEAN Guidelines on Soil and Nutrient Management has been conducted in Bogor April 9, 2015.
  • – National Experts Meeting on SNM has consolidated the results of the 1st National Consultation Workshop on SNM to be presented at the 2nd Regional Expert Meeting on SNM.

Production Technologies

 Output 3: AMS have been supported through capacity development to 
                    implement sustainable agricultural productino.

  • – Application of Fruit Fly Control Strategies in District of Karo, North Sumatera to control Fruit flies Bactrocera spp.
  • – Workshop to formulating manual content and process for Farmer Field School (FFS) and Training of Trainers on Rice, in cooperation with Indonesia Center for Rice Research (ICRR), Sukamandi, West Java.
  • – Best Practice of Pesticide Application and Fertilizer Recommendation for Rice Farming.
  • – Identifying the type of pest and disease problems organic farming at Simalem Resort and assisted farmers in the area to find out the solution to tackle the pests and diseases, and recommends that biological control can be used.
  • – At Regional level, hosted the Capacity Building on Bio-input Production: Training on BCA production, which the training has been conducted in cooperation with VEDCA (Vocational Education Development Center for Agriculture), Cianjur, West Java.
  • – Workshop on Empowerment of farmer’s community for sustainability of eco-friendly practices on growing horticultural crops in Taman Simalem Resort.
  • – Participated on Floris and Flora National Week Event that held regularly by Directorate General of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture RI.
  • – Workshop on adaptation to climate change for sustainable agriculture, and socialization on organic agricultural product certification.
  • – Workshop on Human Capacity Building for ABI to assess individual options for capacity development regarding the individual roles.
  • – Human Capacity Development for on Soil and Nutrient Management to assess of soil fertility using Soil Test Kits for Low Land Area and Dry Land Area in Indonesia.

Market Linkages

 Lessons learned from Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) have been formulated in support of policy recommendations by ASEAN

  • – Pre-feasibility study for the Development of Sustainable Coffee value chains in Bener Meriah and Bali on 01 -28 February 2013.
  • – Implementation of Integrated Public Private Partnership in cooperation between GIZ ASEAN SAS with PT.Taman Semalem Resort on production and marketing system of Organic Fruits and Vegetables Karo Higland, North Sumatra.
  • – Implementation of Better Rice Initiative Asia through Public Private Partnership (PPP) Model under German Food Partnership initiation in selected provinces in Indonesia, North Sumatra, East Java and West Java, in cooperation with BASF and Directorate General of Foods Crops, Ministry of Agriculture Republic Indonesia for project year 2014-2017.
  • – Study to assess a potential export of Karo Fruits and Vegetables value chains to Singapore and Malaysia is conducting by Noëlie Svara, Master’s Degree Internship Student, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands for Sustainable Development, International Development Track.

Cross Cutting Project in Indonesia

  • – Public Private Partnership Implementation Model for Better Rice Initiative Asia (BRIA) Agriculture Component in cooperatition with BASF and Ministry of Agriculture Republic Indonesia.
  • – Public Private Partnership Implementation Model for Better Rice Initiative Asia (BRIA) Nutrition Component in cooperation with DSM, and related Ministry of Social and Walfare, Republic of Indonesia for Rice Fortification and Fortified Cooking Oil.
  • – Conducted Trial Premix Kernels for Local Production of Rice Fortification in collaboration with IPB Bogor.
  • – Conducting Market Research for Rice Fortification in Indonesia in collaboration with SAVICA.
  • – Sinabung Agricultural Response Project (SARP) with project goal is to improve smallholders’ livelihoods in selected areas that have suffered the impact of Mount Sinabung eruption.
  • – Assessment Of Relocation Settlement In Pine Forest Siosar in Distric of Karo is conducting by the Natural Resources And Environmental Management Graduate School Of University Of North Sumatra.


  • +66 2 255 4202
  • 39/1 Soi Sukhumvit 13, Sukhumvit Road, Klongtoey Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Thailand





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