Category: VDO

FIA Video: The State of Food Security in Asia

FIA Video: The State of Food Security in Asia

Mr Richard Skinner, Strategy Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Singapore, speaks with Food Industry Asia (FIA) about what food security looks like across Asia, and touches on the importance of transparency and effective regulation in tackling food

Voices from our junior farmers

‘If I am a farmer, I want to tell you all Thais that…’ Students aged between 9 and 14 from Thailand sent their 30-second motion clips under a topic “If you are a farmer, what

Food Standard for ASEAN: VDO launched

Food Standard for ASEAN: VDO launched Consumers increasingly want information and assurance about what they eat, but are often overwhelmed by the many different kinds of food standards. To explain food standards and why they are important for the ASEAN