Project period: 2014 – 2017 / 2018 – 2019 (Extension on Crop Insurance)

ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (ASEAN SAS)

Promoting food security through sustainable agri-food systems

Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Food security in ASEAN requires national agrifood production systems that sustain the livelihoods and competitiveness of local agriculture and supply sufficient staple food throughout the region.

Our Goals

To enable ASEAN Member States to implement the ASEAN Integrated Food Security (AIFS) Framework and its Strategic Plan of Action on Food by focusing on the promotion of sustainable food production at the national level.

Areas of Implementation

The project operates at regional level (10 ASEAN Member States), and national level in Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam.


Building upon the results and experiences of the ASEAN Biocontrol project (2011-2013), ASEAN Sustainable Agrifood Systems (2014-2019) comprises three intervention areas:

  • Policy framework: Development of regionally coordinated policies, strategies and dialogue concepts for a sustainable agrifood sector
  • Production techniques: Promotion of the use of sustainable inputs and crop management practices through capacity development
  • Market linkages: Promotion of sustainable cross-border value chains in collaboration with the private sector

Project Partners

Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) under the purview of the ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on Crops (ASWGC), other relevant line agencies, the private sector and civil society organizations
Contact person
Pouchamarn Wongsanga
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